Statement of Philosophy

Statement of Philosophy

The children of the Piapot Cree Nation (Piapot) are of the utmost importance to our community. It is our intention each child should receive a quality education which is a Treaty Right. This education will develop the child’s cultural identity, academic potential, encourage physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and develop good citizenship and good values.

Each person is equally worthy in the eyes of the Creator and deserves an equal chance to succeed and to have a happy and fulfilling life. Each child must develop pride in his or her cultural origin and in him/her self, growing always in integrity and respect for all those who walk in the same path through the guidance of our elders.


The children are our most precious consideration so we will provide a quality education, encourage spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well-being. We will assist students in developing sense of pride in their heritage and themselves and prepare children with the skill necessary to succeed in society.

Goals and Objectives:

Piapot First Nation considers the following to be important and therefore; encourages each person involved with the students to assist them to develop:
–  Feeling of positive self-esteem;
– An awareness of and respect for their cultural identity and heritage, moral values consistent with the teachings of the Elders;
– Learning potential;
– Academic skills;
– Problem solving skills;
– Responsible citizenship;
– Healthy bodies, minds and attitudes through a positive lifestyle;
– Good work habits and attendance;
– A healthy respect for other people’s views; and
– Respect for the environment